
Welcome to Senova Kunststoffe GmbH & Co. KG

In 1986, Senova Kunststoffe GmbH was founded by KR Dipl. Ing. Wilhelm Klepsch as a trading company. Senova represents Senoplast in Austria and also represents leading European manufacturers of plastic semi-finished products such as Senoplast, 3A Composites, Simona, Zell-Metall etc.


At both the Uttendorf site and in Vienna Senova maintains a large store incl. service centre. Subsidiary companies were founded on 1. April 2005 in Germany. Since 1. January 2006 a sales operation has been running in Slovakia.


The demands of our customers are the benchmark for our performance. This also ensures a partnership basis for future co-operation with our customers.


The high training level and know-how of our employees ensure our customers a comprehensive advice and development service. From the new logistics centre in Uttendorf and the branch office in Vienna deliveries in standard sizes and cut sizes can be achieved throughout Austria within 48 hours.

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