Whole Klepsch-Group Senova
Abrasion protection strips
Abrasion strips
Advertising signs
Advertising stands
Air conditioning systems
Antennas for mobile phones
Apparatus and container construction
Armatures for fluid lines
Artifical limbs
Automotive exterior parts
Automotive interior parts
Balcony facings
Battery cells
Bearing cages
Bearing races
Bearing roller, bearing housing, bearing seat
Bearings and casings in moist and wet environment
Bending and edging components
Bent facades and roof construciton
Bicycle box
Bicycle helmets
Bicycle housing
Blister packaging for the pharmaceutical industry
Boat glazing
Body panels
Boot cladding
Bottling plant - parts distributor
Bottling plants
Bowling pin setters
Boxes for automatic placement
Braking systems
Breathing protection
Bridge spray protection
Brush bodies
Buffer stops for the railway industry
Building glazing
Bumper and front cladding parts
Bunker and silo cladding
Bus stops
CMP Rings
Cable channels
Cable railway glazing
Cable sheaves
Cam shaft tappets
Car ports
Caravan roof cladding
Carpet protector mats
Carriage wheels for cable cars
Centrifugal pump wear parts
Centrifuge bodies
Chair lift coverings
Chemical mains
Chill units
Chill vehicle cladding
Chip nests
Circuit boards
Cladding for chemical industry
Clamping bolts
Coils and fuse blocks
Collecting baths
Column packaging
Complete bathroom modules, with floor
Complete front and rear panels
Components for food processing machinery
Components for semiconductor manufactoring machinery
Compressor components
Concrete forming
Connection parts between rail and sleeper
Connector clamps for printed circuit boards
Conservatories and greenhouses
Consoles and cladding components (Aand B pillars)
Construction machinery glazing
Containers and cladding for the risk goods
Containers in explosion protected areas
Control discs
Cooling chest inserts
Corrosion protection
Corrosive baths
Coupling elements
Covers for medical equipment
Cutting boards
Dashboards for fully integrated mobile homes
Dental and surgical instrument handles
Diagnostic device parts
Dirt covers
Discs in pile driver
Display window fittings
Distributor valves
Dividing walls
Domes inserts
Door glazing
Door panels
Drive discs
Edge bent cassettes
Elecetronic sensors
Electrical equipment housings
Electrical hardware components
Electrical insulators
Electro-technical insulation components
Electronic fixtures
Electronic parts
Electronic plug connectors
Electronic test sockets
End caps
Endoscopic probe positioning ferrules
Etching rings
Exhibition stand building
External advertising applications
Facade parts
Filling station advertising
Filling station construction
Filter rails
Flow meter rotors
Food industry components
Food moulds
Food piston pumps
Friction rings
Furniture Industry
Furniture fronts
Galvanising drums
Gas bottle housings and A-frame covers
Gasket packs
Gasket rings for natural gas valves
Gear wheels
Gear wheels and tooth bars
Guide rolls in lifting systems
Guides for blood pumps
Hail protection
Hand basins
Hard- disk drive
High pressure liquid chromatography components
High temperature bobbins
High voltage circuit breaker housings
Highly stressed bearing and leading elements
Highly stressed engine components for motor racing
Hinterlüftete Fassaden
Housing and distance parts
Hydraulic cylinder in loading ramps
Ice hockey and sport walls
Illuminated advertising
Illuminated signs
Illuminated traffic signs
Impeller wheels for pumps
Imprinted thermoformed snap-on lids
Industrial production hall glazing
Industrial separating walls
Inner cladding of caravan doors
Instrument case
Instrument holders
Insulation profiles
Insulation separation walls
Insulator rings
Integrated circuit chip carriers for accelerated testing at high temperature
Integrated circuits
Interior trims
Internal advertising applications
Internal fittings
Jet enginge components
Laboratory equipment
Laboratory furniture
Lantern rings in centrifugal, chemical and mining pumps
Leg braces
Light domes
Lighting covers
Lights and indicator panels
Liner material for galvanising
Load bearing components
Locating discs
Machine components
Machine glazing
Machine parts for contact with food
Machine parts in coal operating areas
Machine parts in explosion protected areas
Machine sensors
Machine table covers
Manifold resistant to daily sanitation
Medical devices
Medical instruments
Microwave application
Motor cycle mudguards
Moving parts with low friction
Noise protection walls
Non- combustible plenum connectors
Nonrebound hammer tubs
Office articles
Office machinery parts
Packaging films for dairy products
Packing parts
Packing, transport units with reduced static loading
Pallet underliners
Panels for bath
Parts for electrical ovens
Parts of the fuel pump
Parts which are impervious to gas and liquids
Photo coverings
Picture glazing
Pipe feeds
Pipe feeds for inflammable gas and liquids
Piston seal rings
Plastic glazing
Plastic valves and rings in compressor applications
Playground equipment
Plug connector strips
Poster glazing
Precision bearings
Precision cutting blades
Pressed parts for glazing
Pressure bearing
Pump cladding
Pump housings
Pump parts
Punching bases
Raiseable bed cladding parts
Ram protection
Ramps on ferries
Refrigerator claddings
Refrigerator door liners
Refrigerator external doors
Refrigerator inner liners
Relay and transformer housing
Replacement glass in medical lamps
Return caps
Reuseable medical devices
Roof and wall glazing
Room dividers
Saddleback roof and barrel vaults
Safety glazing
Sanitary equipment
Screen printing
Screw conveyor
Sealing rings
Self lubricating slide bars
Semi-conductor units
Semiconductor wafer clamps
Sensor housings
Shock absorbers
Shock absorbers inside crash bumpers of railway wagons
Shop fitting
Showcase glazing
Shower cubicles
Shower trays
Shower walls
Side and decorative panels
Side and wall cladding
Side bars
Sight protection
Site filling
Ski boxes
Slide bearing
Slide bearings with low coefficient of friction
Slide pads
Sliding parts
Sliding parts which are exposed to high contact pressure and high speed
Slip mats
Snap connections
Solarium units and sunbeds
Sorting boxes
Special suitcase
Sport and tennis hall glazing
Stage decoration
Steam cabins
Sterilization trays
Stretch strips
Structural parts for prosthetics
Structural probes
Suction equipment
Summer roof boxes
Supporting rings
Surface with anti-slip properties
Swimming pool covers
Switch cams
Switch housings
Switchgear construction
Technical medical parts
Television studios
Test sockets
Test tube holders
Thermal dividers
Thermal insulations
Thermoformed parts for automobile industry
Thermoformed parts for electrical industry
Thermoformed parts for machine covers
Thermoformed parts for roofing
Thermoforming applications
Thin walled gasket bushings
Thrust bearing
Transmission components
Transport channels, slides
Transport containers
Transport lines - coverings
Transport pallets
Transport stars
Tuning parts
Tunnel cladding
Turning and milling parts
Under- the- hood automative components
Upper compartments and wind deflection systems
Vacuum forming
Valve housing
Valve parts
Valve seals
Valve seats
Ventilation technology
Ventilator housings and components
Vibration damper
Wall cladding
Wall protection
Water de-salination plants
Water retaining rings for CMP polishing
Wheels for crane Equipment
Winding reels
Window cladding

- MPa

- MPa

- MPa

- MPa

- MPa

- %

- %

- %

- MPa

- MPa

- J/cm²

- J/cm²

- MPa

- M-Skala


- %

- MPa

- MPa

- MPa

- MPa

- mm/min

- kJ/m²

- kJ/m²

- MPa

- MPa

- MPa

- °C


- %




- %

- %

- %

- %

- mg/50 min-1

- mg/50 min-1

- mm

- mm


- %


- %

- mm



- g/cm³


- °C (°F)

- °C

- °C

- °C

- °C

- °C

- °C

- 1/K10^(-5)

- °C

- °C

- °C

- °C

- °C

- °C

- W/(K.m)

- W/(m*K)

- °C






- KV/mm

- KV/mm



- MPa

- MPa

- MPa


- kg/m³

- g/cm³

- g/cm³

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The technical data have been developed by the Klepsch Group companies in good faith and using their know-how and experience as of today. They are non-binding and do not represent a material specification or assurance of specific properties. We explicitly reserve the right to change or update these instructions at any time.

Further processing and use of the products can have various impacts on the products. Therefore, the Klepsch Group companies do not guarantee or warrant for the fitness, suitability or adequacy of the products for any purpose intended by the purchaser or any third person and shall have no liability whatsoever in this respect. The purchaser has the obligation to test the products and determine itself if the products are fit for the intended use.

The Klepsch Group companies shall, neither directly nor indirectly, indemnify and hold harmless purchaser or any third person in the event of any third party claims related to the infringement of intellectual property rights.